Monday, February 28, 2005


1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123
3. Find the fifth full sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don't search around for the coolest book you can find. Do what's actually nearest to you.

"And the director had nominated an art teacher to help them find a mythical fraternity of Satanists"- Angels and Demons by Dan Brown

Sunday, February 27, 2005

University Life

So the University year has begun and, as promised, I bring you a blog update. The problem with irregular blog updates is that you never know what to write. One could write the highlights of the day, the musings of the mind, or just plain old "I did nothing excited the whole week" speel.

It's sort of like when you have a friend or a relative you haven't seen in years, and then you realise you have nothing to talk about anymore; and not because you are no longer interested in the same things, but because you two have no longer similar points of discussions. You don't know their friends, they don't know. Your lives are worlds apart, and, well, literally, they are. That sentence has far too many commas, but I think they're grammatically well placed.

Aaaanyways, perhaps if I just start with whatever comes to mind, I will eventually have something to blog about.

Uni has been pretty hectic. My timetable is full - start at 9am, finish at 6pm, five days a week. There are such annoying things as 4 hour breaks on Monday and Wednesday, and you may notice me blogging at those hours from the Uni computers, when I'm supposed to be doing some homework I bet. I tried bringing my laptop into uni (they've just installed a wireless network), but the hassle of carrying two bags on a full bus, followed by complete lack of information on how to get wireless going or who's responsible for its support proved to be an exercise in futility. And besides, the internet usage on wireless gets charged to the uni computer account anyways, so I'm just as well off using the PCs already provided.

The first day was stressfull because I was there for hours and hours and learned nothing. First day is administrative really - they tell us when the labs/tutorials/exams are and how much we need to apply ourselves to pass. Of course that usually takes only half a lecture and then the professors start on the first topic, so it's a good idea to actually go. Still, half of the class don't, and then the lecturer has to repeat the same stuff on the next day. Good god, how I hate repitition. I don't even watch movies more than once.

The lecturers I have this trimester are really an international cast - we have german, british, australian, canadian; one wonders if this brain drain is for real. But I guess while our teachers are running off for greener overseas pastures, their international counterparts are coming here. So it's not so much of a drain as a swirling of knowledge in the great cup that is Earth.

I managed to get my books for free from my flatmate. He did a similar degree a few years ago and kept the books - so now he's let me borrow them. Although I don't know how much reading I will be doing. Just like last year, the lecture notes are provided and one should only really consult the books if one fails to understand the topic. I do have a lab report due on Tuesday though, I should really do something about that.

Oh that's right - the lab! I got to do IVF on sea urchins. Lovely creatures, I was rather upset that they let them die afterwards, but such is science I suppose. My sea urchin eggs were fertilised by the sperm from the male sea urchins. They progressed well for a couple of days, but unfortunately they all died on Friday. Other people's ones are still swimming around. Luckily I don't get marked on the vitality of my sample. I have to write all about it by Tuesday and draw lots of pictures. I did some work already and I guess I'll finish it off in the four hour gap on Monday. Hopefully I don't start the year off with failing everything. This is the first time I am doing something for longer than a year - usually I bail out at about 8 to 10 months of being in a relationship, on a job, in a flat, etc. Time will tell I guess.

The guys are organising some sort of brunch thing because the WoW servers are down, so I'd better get dressed and get going.

Ciao (I so want to learn Italian)


The other day I was lead to a discovery of Feedreader - the RSS reader of feeds. Instead of vising various websites every day, checking, hoping that they have posted something new, you run this program in your systray and if it spots some update, it lets you know just like an email program.

Of course, at that point I needed various feeds to test out the new fandangly holdy bendy technology stuff, so I trawled the 2005 Bloggies for suitable candidates.

The following is a list of feeds that rose up to the challenge:

Defective Yeti
Penny Arcade
Real E Fun
Geese Aplenty Word of the Day

there are a few others but they won't be as interesting for someone who doesn't know the authors personally.

So you see, it's pretty easy for me now to keep up with the sites I like to visit but don't have the attention span to visit every day. They now visit me! hooray...

The three people (by my calculations) that read my blog should definitely go and read those others.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

#define PICTURES 1000words

I just realised that having got my camera cable back, I can actually use the camera. I have no idea why I didn't consider this in the last three weeks!

As you may or may not know, 14th of February was Valentine's Day. I got flowers! here's proof:

In other news, I blew up my PC monitor. I don't actually know how it happened, I must have looked at it funny and then there was a bit of a buzz, a bit of a smell, and no more picture...

I tried to recycle it with the aid of my cunning disguise:

but the outcome was somewhat disappointing:

I'm So Ronery
I'm so ronery
So ronery
So ronery and sadry arone

There's no one
Just me onry
Sitting on my rittle throne
I work very hard and make up great prans
But nobody ristens, no one understands
Seems that no one takes me serirousry

And so I'm ronery
A little ronery
Poor rittre me

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


so no updates for a long time, huh?
that's because nothing's been happening worthy of my typing prowess.

I did have a birthday and I got old and I had a birthday party and got lots of presents and affection from friends. It was three thumbs up.

I did quit my soul destroying supermarket job. It was fantastic.

I did lose five kilos, and god knows how that happened, but it must be a good thing.

I did realise I need no man to complete me - no one to whinge about my choice of music or TV channel, no one to nag me to go to the gym, no one to tell me what to wear, no one to tell me what to eat. I can watch stargate for 8 hours a day, or play WoW two night in a row, and no one can say anything to me that will make me feel inferior. It's supercalifragilisticexpealidocius.

Of course the minute I say that, I'll get 5 cards for Valentine's Day in the mail just to irritate me. I guess I'll start practicing the art of rejection I never learnt.

There will probably be more updates as Uni starts, but for now it's pretty much just laxing out in the sun and enjoying things. I have Angels and Demons to read as well, it sounds more interesting than Da Vinci Code was.

Here's a funny link for those with no heart.